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If You Don't Know, Now You Know.

O P E N H E A R T . One of my closest friends recently told me, “find something to hold on to. Anything." It was hard for me to immediately comprehend this but I couldn't help but feel compelled by this statement. In Buddhism we are taught to essentially not hold onto anything. I am always on the go. Go, go, go. Faster, farther. Restless in a sense. So is this a tangible reference? Everything I own fits in my car and Nanuk is my constant glue. I perceive this now coming full circle after a few interesting life lessons, that I am restless because I am looking for something, searching. And I don’t even know what I’m looking for. Maybe it’s just the journey there that I need to ride.

My life of wanderlust is one that did not just happen yesterday. This sense of search and adventure is deeply rooted within my soul. Nanuk and I spent the winter nestled in the High Rockies of Colorado. Our exodus back to this amazing state has brought clarity, inspiration and broken bones, (three). I earned my turns and recent events have solidified my passion for photography and photojournalism. While I may be subconsciously searching for something, I am led with my heart and I know it feels right. I’ve once said I am lost in the right direction. I still feel this is true. There are reasons why.

Nanuk and I have some big things in ascension. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities and lessons we have been fortunate enough to be involved with. The Lindsay today is different than the Lindsay yesterday. I reflect and realize these opportunities did not come out of nowheresville, they surfaced because it is deserved and a part of my path. I needed to let go of all my personal doubts in order to enjoy these, well, blessings. I will stand a little taller today, humbly thanking the universe for showing me the way, one event at a time. And I will thank those who TRULY support me. Without these beautiful souls, I would not be able to put my best foot forward, allowing my life to become what it is meant to be. Oh to be in your 20's.

So if you don’t know now you know. My loyal, compassionate, adventurous heart is open to the path, to knowing that I am searching for life.

Right now I’ll hold onto a book. “Women Who Run With The Wolves.” Sounds about right.

If I wasn’t serious before, hear me now, because I am ready to fucking kick ass.

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